Cigar Smoking Etiquette
- TheCigarCompany Admin
Cigar Smoking Etiquette Always ask permission Bring enough to share Never light another gentleman’s cigar Remove the band at the right time When you should remove the band is a laborious argument with a good case for both sides. Some people will remove the band when they are halfway through their cigar as the heat will have warmed the glue so it is easier to remove without damaging the cigar....
Introduction to Cigars
- TheCigarCompany Admin
Smoking a cigar is the pinnacle of smoking and the height of culture. Anyone can smoke a cigarette, but it takes a special someone to smoke a cigar. They are larger than cigarettes and take longer to smoke. The connoisseur considers a cigar to be the finest way for anyone to enjoy tobacco. Cigars, as you will learn, come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, with the most...
How To Cut A Cigar
- TheCigarCompany Admin
A bad cut will ruin even the best of cigars, so it's important to snip your smoke correctly to avoid problems later. Before you begin, it's important to know that the object of the cut is to create an ample. smooth opening for smoking without damaging it.
Learning Your ABCs: Cigars 101
- TheCigarCompany Admin
There is no real mystery, once you accept the reality that the cigar lexicon is confusing. There are, however, certain basic criteria that can be used as guidelines to decipher the origin of almost any hand-rolled cigar. The parameters are fairly simple: brand, color and size or shape.